Online Reputation Management Agency in India
ORM Services Help in building proactively brand, creating a better connection with your customer, and creating an impactful online reputation for your Business.
Contact us to fix your REPUTATION Now !
Our ORM Services Include
To know your company’s content which can be damaging if not monitored and also tries to collect effective feedback of the customers for improvement of your company brand and protect it from further damage.

Clean Negative Search Results
We help you to clean by suppressing & removing the negative links and bad press from Google first 3 Search pages by our proprietary reputation management techniques.

Fix Autofills & Auto Suggests
Eliminate and remove the negative Google suggestive keywords by replacing with favorable keywords. Eliminate the negative & defamatory keywords from Google recommendations.

Remove Negative Reviews
We help you to control and remove the online negative reviews by influencing with positive reviews. Win the trust of your customers via boosting your reviews over multiple platforms.

Business Reputation Management
Whether you are an Enterprise, Corporate or SME; Bad Reputation gives Negative Impact on Revenue & Brand. Therefore, it is important to have a good reputation online.

Personal Reputation Management
Whether you are a Business Owner, HNI, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Celebrity, Politician, Doctors; Personal Reputation Management helps you to boost your Online Presence.

Guaranteed Link Removals
Delete and Remove defamatory content, negative links, bad press and urls from Google; such as, Complaint forums, Blogs, Youtube Videos, media & news links, images, reviews, etc.
Online Reputation Management Services Essential For
Answers to Your Questions
What is online reputation management?
Online reputation management is everything about you or your business that shows up online. This includes websites, blog posts, social media, and images. But in practical terms, it’s anything about you that appears in Google search results. If negative links show up, it is important to push them off the first page. A good reputation shows you are an expert in your field, and this translates into getting more business–resulting in more site traffic and more sales. A bad link could mean the loss of clients and prospects.
How do you fix a damaged reputation?
The best way is to use English (or whatever your native language is): write good information. Inundating the web with great and original content works best, and will eventually push the negative links off the first page of Google searches. While it might be possible to remove negative links, images and content (see below), usually the best approach is to create targeted, effective and well formulated content, including blog posts, images, and video. But the key is developing a strategy, which includes researching and creating the best content, and most importantly, knowing which platforms to share it on.
What should you do if something negative shows up?
You probably will be angry, upset, and want to retaliate by writing something negative yourself. Don’t: it will make things worse. Instead, come up with a strategy. Start by asking this question: Is the issue warranted? If so, address it, and professionally write back to the author–perhaps, but it could just fan the flames even more. Most importantly, work on writing good content, and be very active on social media. These will all eventually push the negative information down off the first page of Google.
What are ways a reputation can be damaged?
There are a bunch of ways. Someone can write something negative about you in a blog post, which is fairly common, unfortunately. There are complaint sites where people can anonymously post comments for a business or a person, such as RipOffReports, and these are very powerful. Also, there are some inventive ways used to damage a reputation. A disgruntled ex-client or fired employee sometimes takes over or really hijacks a domain name to post bad things about them, such as, “”–and this shows up very quickly on the first page of Google. One last thing: what if you have the same name as someone with a bad reputation or something in the news? This could inadvertently impact you even though you did nothing wrong.
Once something is online, is it there forever?
Basically, yes. It is usually impossible to remove once it’s on the web–but always try. Because about 92% of people don’t go beyond the first page, however, pushing the negative information off the first, second or third page effectively makes it disappear.
Why is having a good online reputation necessary at all?
Because the Internet is the new first impression, and people don’t ask for references, they just head to Google. Probably the first thing people do, even when speaking to you on the phone or just after meeting you, is conduct a Google search. Something negative out there can damage your life and business quickly. Nearly as important, having no reputation drives clients to competitors.